Saturday, December 31, 2016

Take Four: Babka, Streusel & Cheese

I'm telling you I followed the recipe exactly as written--I also just discovered there is a proof function on the oven--*sigh*--and I had to crank the oven up, way up and the baking time is nearly doubled. Where did I go wrong? I hope this is a 2016 finale, and not a sign of what is to come, which would possibly a cheesy mess? 

I made a Streusel & Cheese Babka from Uri Scheft's Breaking Breads. Or rather I should say, I got a version of it. As I type, the babka "thing" is cooling. I used King Arthur Cake Flour (unbleached) and their AP flour for the streusel.

Before going into the oven (I let the dough prove for an hour)
Close up of the raw streusel top (butter, flour, sugar, vanilla extract)
Edible concoction? Baked for approximately 30 minutes in total, anywhere from 325 degrees F to 400 degrees F convection

Edible concoction? 

UPDATE: I am not thrilled with this babka dessert by any means. The texture of the streusel and cheese layers are great, but the babka cake is dry and didn't rise much, if at all. I'm wondering if I kneaded the dough incorrectly, or if I rolled it out too much (deflating the CO2 from the dough). The flavor is a bit bland for my taste. I even added additional citrus, some grated orange peel, but it seems like it would be happier with a layer of lemon curd, or something. Seriously, it needs some personality. I think I'll try plopping some apricot jam on the top tomorrow.

Also, it's New Year's Eve and I'll be serving this babka sheet as dessert (eventually with some powdered sugar on top) to my family. I'm not big on holidays; I have anxiety, which isn't new if you've read my other blog(s) or know of me through some other avenue, about whether or not I'll get up in the morning. As I've mentioned before, I've found some solace, or so I thought, in baking. I'm kidding, about the babka; it smells delicious and I know what I put into it tasted good. But about myself, I've almost been meditating for a full year, but have gotten away from longer meditations lately. I won't be setting any resolutions. January 1st is another day. Change can occur at any moment and I certainly don't need to be lumped in with basic bitches, whatever they are. I will say that instead of my usual, "I wanna lose the 20 pounds," I'd rather do more and have more fun in 2017. I'd like to create many more delicious things to share, and hopefully, those things I've wanted will come along anyway. 

Happy New Year! xoxo 


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